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Godzilla Minus One: Monster Food for Thought

Godzilla Minus One brings audiences back once more to the origin of the classic Japanese post-WW2 fallout horror. Like many, though certainly not all, of it’s predecessors, Minus One contains an intricate, complex story that viewers can pick and pull from to interpret sociocultural resonances between the fictional world of Godzilla and the equally horrific…

Triangle of Sadness: A Method to the… Regurgitant Spew

Chaos reins supreme on the surface of Triangle of Sadness. But there’s so much lurking not far beneath that deserves consideration. Östlund presents a powerful critique of modern society veiled by black comedy and ridiculous circumstances. Unlike other reviews on the site, for Triangle of Sadness, I wanted to treat this as a thorough consideration…

Troll: Eclectic Folktale About the Nature of Religious Belief… or Monster Mash Thriller?

Parallels or homages to other blockbuster monster films permeate the film’s introduction. So while the subject matter is fantastical, there’s familiarity there for creature feature enthusiasts and classic blockbuster film fans. The cup of coffee rippling from enormous footsteps and the notion of bringing in the hyper-specific expert to help a government team evidence the…

The 13 Best Horror Films of 2022

It’s that time of the year again. For one month—maybe just one week—even those who typically prefer to avoid the horror genre altogether band together and watch with friends, loved ones, or forge through it on their own. Depending on how you look at it—and your typical affiliation with horror film—I’ve either watched all the…


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